Back in caveman days, the people saw the moon but had no idea what it really was. They probably wondered daily what secrets it held. Was it a god?
"What the heck. Let's worship it just in case" they might have thought to themselves, and then they did. But as time went on, we figured it out. The moon is incredible, but it's not a god. We figured out that the moon is just one of billions of incredible worlds to explore out there.
There was time when there were still untold numbers of worlds to explore on earth too. I mean, Christopher Columbus didn't sail the ocean blue til 1492, remember? The point is, we know incredible things exist out there, but we only learn more about them the closer we get.
The same is true with truth. First, there is a truth to be found. It doesn't matter how much I want something to be true. It's either true or it isn't. It's not logical or possible for two contradictory ideas to be true at the same time. For example, I can say,
"There is an ocean and it's blue" but I can't say,
"There is not an ocean" at the same and be right about both. The reason is it's not reality. Something is either real or not real. It's either true or not true. You could say,
"But there are different interpretations of truth". That's fine. Go ahead and say it, and on some level you might be right. But you still cannot say there's an ocean and there's not an ocean at the same time and be right about both. One of those statements has to be false.
The same is true for the existence of God. The same is also true regarding the Lordship of Jesus Christ. There either is a God or not. Both can't be true at the same time. And Jesus Christ is either Lord and Messiah or not. He can't be both at the same time, and we could go on from there.
We discovered the truth about God and His Son Jesus Christ a long time ago. It was like Columbus discovering the new world. Since this great discovery. We have explored this new world. We've built on it and we've settled down here. There's still much more we don't know, but we've learned the basic reality along with many intricacies as well.
There are other worlds out there and more truth. The Holy Spirit is like climbing up Mount Everest. The Sermon on the Mount and its
applications is like a trek to the North Pole. We don't know nearly as much about these places as we think we do, but we know a lot more than we used to.
Now, we're off to the moon and beyond. We're off to places like Mars, Venus, Pluto and even the next galaxy. Each new place we visit and explore offers new perspectives. It's like venturing into Paul's letters or the Old Testament prophets. It's like landing on the surface of the doctrine of election, predestination or the sacraments. You could even say it's like observing up close the supernova of the book of Revelation.
Each place we visit does not
supersede or negate the places we've already been. The foundation upon which we've already built still exists, and it's solid. But do we really know as much about the supernova or the planet Pluto as we do our own backyard?
This position we're in of not knowing it all doesn't have to be scary. Let's think of it as beautiful instead. We have a God and Lord who has done all this and given it to us to explore and learn from. There's no limit to the universe of God's amazing truth so let's blast off together and enjoy.