Thursday, November 29, 2007

More Than Just a Title

I thought of the title, sixfootnine and counting, in about 30 seconds. I just needed a title for this blog experiment. But as I thought about it I was struck by how appropriate it was. It really does say a lot, doesn't it? It says a lot about who I am, how people see me, how I see myself, who I am becoming and much, much more. That's a God thing.

As a preacher I feel myself to be in the position of speaking for God a lot. I try not to let that get to me much cause, let's face it, that's pretty intense. How could I (underline I several times) speak for God? What helps me is to remember that I'm not speaking for God, but He is speaking through me. So when something even close to profound comes out of my brain or heart and through my mouth or pen or fingertips, especially when it only takes 30 seconds, I remember again that God works and speaks in and through me (and you)-even in the title for a blog. Therein lies the vantage point of my life: it's not about me. It's all about God.

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