Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Adoption Update: June 17th

We are cautiously thrilled in the Elling household this morning. We got word yesterday that things are about as "for sure" as they can be that Eden will be joining us here in the good ole' U.S.A. on June 17th. Our orphanage directors, Chris and Hal Nungester, will be flying home to Ohio for a visit with several children in tow. Lord willing, Eden Kristy DumeViard Elling will be on that flight.

It's been 3 years, 5 months and 6 days since we began this crazy process until now, but it will all be worth it soon. Please pray, pray, pray that June 17th will go like we hope. Obviously, we have been disappointed before so we won't be surprised if that happens again, but we all sure hope not. We've trusted God all along and we are not stopping now. What a journey!

Pray also for Jimy. We hope he is not too disappointed to have to wait longer, but we see no other choice in the matter. Pray that we can put the right spin on things to soften the blow. He will be coming home too, but we are not sure when. Thanks again for all your prayers and support. We need it all now more than ever.

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