Monday, May 12, 2008

Adoption Update: New Hope Rising

A recent email we received goes like this:
"Kristy's passport (that's our daughter Eden) could be ready by the end of this month (May 2008). Yesterday Junior brought her pictures to the Department de Interieur so they can make the passport." We got this message from Mr. Nahoum Acra's office in Port au Prince. Mr. Acra is the man helping us finally finish this process in conjunction with our attorney and orphanage directors. Apparently, Eden will be ready to come home fairly soon, but not Jimy. This means we could possibly go get Eden and bring her home without her brother for now. This would be overwhelming, joyful and heartbreaking at the same time. Please pray for us as we continue to muddle through this. Most likely, I would go myself with a friend to pick her up and bring her home. Don't forget, when they say, "by the end of the month", that could mean by the end of June, July or later. Who knows? At least it is a hint of good news. Praise God!

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