Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Adoption Update: December 2007

It will be three years of working "the system" on January 7th. That date looms like a date for major surgery, or at least having a root canal. We're looking forward to it about as much as surgery or a root canal too. I guess it's because no matter how hard we try or how much we wait, we just can't seem to finish this and get our kids home.

January 7th isn't just the three year anniversary of this crazy process, but it's also Jimy's birthday. Jimy is the little boy we're adopting, and he will be turning five. So I guess January
7th is also a reminder that this is all worth it. These two beautiful children (Eden is our little girl) will be getting here someday. We just hope it's someday soon.

Sorry it's been so long for some of you since you've heard anything from us. We're just tired of saying, "not yet", I guess. But there have been a few key developments lately that bring us hope so I wanted to let you know about them.

God has blessed us with a friend in high places. His name is Mike DeWine. He was a U.S. Senator for many years, and his home happens to be in Cedarville. Not only that, but as providence would have it, he also has a passion for Haiti. It turns out, the DeWine's started a school in Port au Prince called Becky's School. It was named after their daughter Becky who was killed in a car accident many years ago. The DeWine's are very involved in that ministry, traveling back and forth to Haiti, and working with government officials there.

In getting to know us, Mike and Fran have taken an interest in our adoptions and now share our ongoing consternation. As a result, Mike talks to the President of Haiti and his staff regularly about helping us get this done. He also has a friend in Haiti named Nahoum Acra. This man is highly respected in Haiti and also has friends in the government. Mr. Acra has agreed to do what he can to help us push this through.

Obviously, the only One who can really push anything through is God. We know that and we're praying daily. Thanks for your prayers, your financial support and your regular encouragement. It helps so much. We will press on until God's timing is right. Thanks for pressing on with us.


Doug and Margaret said...

The blog's a great idea, Drew. That's encouraging news about the connections you've made. Margaret and I really pray that 2008 is the year you all will be at home together in Cedarville. Love to you and the family, Doug

Unknown said...

Stay strong! The Lord must have a good reason for the delay...who knows what that is though!! Kyle and I continue to pray for you guys and especially for Jimy and Eden's health and happiness while in the orphanage. Thank you for the update. Blogging it is a great way to communicate the latest news. Peace and love, Aimee.

Jen said...

Good job, honey! I know you're working hard on your blog. It looks great! Pressing on with you, Jen