Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Dirty Minds

What if we actually did some of the things we think about doing? Take a second to inventory your recent thoughts. What were they? Be honest. If you're like me, you probably break at least one of the ten commandments in your mind every day. And if you're thinking you're not like me in that way, I'll bet you just broke commandment #9 (see Exodus 20). It's amazing to me the actions in my mind I tolerate that I would never tolerate in real life. In fact, it's amazing what I'm free to do in my head that people get thrown in prison for every day because they act them out. Why do I do that? Why has that become okay? Can you relate? I mean, Jesus did teach that a sin in my mind is equally as sinful as a sin anywhere else. Lust in my mind really is a type of adultery. Anger in my mind really can be a type of murder. Check that one off today for me. I guess I killed that guy who tailed me into town. Well, I did imagine running him off the road. Coveting in my mind really is a type of theft. Obviously, when people do act out, the consequences are much more intense, but that doesn't change the sin. Thank God for His amazing grace. I guess I really need it. How about you?

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