Saturday, December 29, 2007

Fantasy Football Update: Daisies Win!

Yep, I named our fantasy football team the Daisies. Don't worry, I got Jackson's approval. Why? 1. I think Daisies are a cool flower. 2. We just got a dog named Daisy. 3. I'm rebelling against all the tough-guy fantasy names like "Devil-dogs" OR "Nail-eaters". Just one problem. I didn't think we would really win! I'm sure all the tough guys in my league really appreciate getting beaten by the Daisies.

It was so cool though! Jackson and I got into the championship game. I purposefully didn't check my computer all night, but I knew it was close. Finally, I turn it on to see the score and it's a tie! The score was 88-88. Holy Cow! I never heard of such a thing before. It hadn't happened all season that I knew of! So I frantically check the rules. I scour over them looking for what happens in a tie. The rules state that if two teams play and the starters from both teams end the game in a tie, then the points for reserve players break the tie. Reserves score: Daisies - 51 Bengals - 18. As the old Queen song goes, "We are the champions my friends!"

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